How Many Tourists Visit Nepal Each Year?

When you look into Nepal tourism statistics and try to find the answer to the question—how many tourists visit Nepal each year?—you will be shocked to see the numbers. In the last three decades, the lowest number of tourists to visit Nepal in a year was around 150,000, and the highest to visit Nepal in a year was around 1,200,000. Overall, the number seems to be rising every year. The recent pandemic and political turmoils in the past brought the number down, but it seems like we are back on track.

Tourism is important to Nepal’s economy as it is a sustainable way to earn foreign currency. And provided that Nepal is rich in natural and cultural heritages, there is a pretty high chance for the tourism sector to grow in Nepal. Nepal is also a raw country, as it is still not discovered by many travel enthusiasts from all over the world. It is an affordable holiday destination. All these features make Nepal an ideal destination for tourists.

Nepal Tourism Statistics: An Overview

There was once a time when people went on holidays to different countries for experience—whether it’s food, cultural practices, natural beauty, relaxation, spirituality, and so on. There are still quite a lot of tourists whose intentions are the same. But somehow, because of the rise in the use of technology and social media and access to internet facilities, now everyone seems to travel so that they have some content for their social media pages.

When you look into Nepal tourism statistics and Nepal tourism data, you will realize that many annual visitors to Nepal are actually influencers and social media celebrities. 

Even the regular tourists who tend to visit Nepal often record their experiences here and post it on their social media pages. This is quite a popular trend these days. A trend that has actually worked in the favor of Nepal. These tourists are somehow responsible for establishing Nepal as a viable tourist destination. The recent rise in the number of tourists visiting Nepal—well, all these tourists also have a significant role in it.

Annual Visitors to Nepal

As per the Nepal tourism data published by the Ministry of Tourism, The number of tourists arriving in Nepal changes every year. When you look into the tourism statistics Nepal of the last three decades, the number seems to be going up. The number of 2018 tourist arrival Nepal is higher than the number of tourist arrival in Nepal 2017.

Here is the breakdown of the number of tourists arriving in Nepal every year between 2017 and 2023. (Source:

SN. No. YEAR No. of International Tourists Visiting Nepal
1 2017 940,218
2 2018 1,173,072
3 2019 1,197,191
4 2020 230,085
5 2021 150,962
6 2022 614,869
7 2023 1,014,885


It can be clearly assessed that the number of tourists went down during the years 2020 and 2021, mainly due to the Covid-19 pandemic. From 2022, however, the number is on the rise.

The highest number of international tourists to ever enter Nepal was in the year 2018.

Nepal Tourism Statistics 2022

According to Nepal tourism statistics 2022, the total number of tourists to visit Nepal in the year 2022 was 614869. The following table shows the number of tourists visiting Nepal from top 5 different countries:

SN Country Number Percentage
1 India 209334 34.04
2 USA 77083 12.54
3 Australia 26894 4.37
4 UK 45094 7.33
5 Bangladesh 25383 4.13

Nepal Tourism Statistics 2023

According to Nepal tourism statistics 2023, the total number of tourists to visit Nepal in the year 2023 was 1014882. The following table shows the number of tourists visiting Nepal from top 5 different countries:

SN Country Number Percentage
1 India 319936 31.52
2 USA 100355 9.89
3 Chaina 60878 6.00
4 UK 52865 5.21
5 Australia 38798 3.82

Tourism Statistics Nepal: A Historical Perspective

Considering the data of the last 10 years of tourists entering Nepal, it has truly been a roller coaster ride. Whether we look into Nepal tourism statistics 2017 or Nepal tourism statistics 2019, only one thing can be concluded, and it’s the fact that the number of tourists visiting Nepal has always been on the rise.

Consider the following table:

SN Year No. of Tourists Visiting Nepal
1 2015 538,970
2 2016 753,002
3 2017 940,218
4 2018 1,173,072
5 2019 1,197,191
6 2020 230,085
7 2021 150,962
8 2022 614,869
9 2023 ,014,885


Even after the end of the pandemic, the number seems to be rising. This year, it is projected that the number of tourists visiting Nepal could break all records. 

Impact of COVID-19 on Nepal’s Tourism

The Covid-19 pandemic was one event that really impacted the tourism sector of Nepal. All we have to do is look into the data of the last six years to be able to analyze the loss.

Consider the following table:

SN Year No. of Tourists Visiting Nepal
1 2018 1,173,072
2 2019 1,197,191
3 2020 230,085
4 2021 150,962
5 2022 614,869
6 2023 1,014,885


As it is quite clear, that the number was on the rise up until 2019, when the pandemic hit. And it went all the way down by 5 folds in 2020. Nepal tourism statistics 2021 was really low and probably the worst of all time. The good thing, as mentioned above, is that it has started going up.

Factors Influencing Tourist Arrivals in Nepal

One of the primary factors that seems to be the reason why many international tourists visit Nepal is Nepalese food. There is quite a variation that can be found in cuisines of Nepal. Nepali food has its own identity. On top of that, there are many food items that seem to be influenced by India in the south and China in the north. Social media influencers with food as their niche prefer Nepal as one of their travel destinations as they can experience a lot of variety here. Though it might feel unbelievable, there seems to be a great impact of food on the tourism sector or tourism industry of Nepal.

Tourism Sector and Its Role in Nepal’s Economy

Tourism sector is one field that can be properly utilized for economic prosperity. Nepal is a travel destination that offers varied experiences to the tourists that also at quite an affordable price. Because of this reason mainly, it can attract tourists from all over the world. At this point of time, considering the economic situation of Nepal, foreign currency is something that we really need. Tourism activities are the best way we can achieve sustainable economic growth. Considering the Nepal tourism statistics and Nepal tourism data of the past few years, the boat seems to be sailing in the positive direction. The tourism industry in Nepal is all set to experience prosperity.

Popular Tourist Destinations in Nepal

The adventure lovers need to visit Nepal for a heavenly experience. Trekkers and wildlife enthusiasts could travel to Annapurna Conservation Area, Sagarmatha National Park, Langtang National Park, and so on. For adventure sports, Pokhara can be an ideal destination. Many tourists also visit Nepal for religious purposes. For such visitors, Lumbini, Pashupatinath, Muktinath, and so on can prove to be some of the highly attractive places. Nepal is also an ideal destination for mountaineering. 8 out of 10 highest mountains in the world, including Everest and Kanchenjunga, happen to fall in Nepal. These are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to popular destinations in Nepal.

Demographics of Tourists Visiting Nepal

The percentage or the overall demographics of foreign tourists visiting Nepal changes every year. Considering the data of 2023, the highest number of foreign nationals to visit Nepal were Indian tourists

Here is the full data:

SN Country Number Percentage
1 India 319936
2 USA 100355
3 Chaina 60878
4 UK 52865
5 Australia 38798


It can be assimilated that after India, the most number of tourists coming to Nepal in 2023 were from the USA, followed by China, then UK, and finally Australia. Altogether, these five countries contribute 56! Of tourists coming to Nepal.

Indian and Chinese Tourists in Nepal

As mentioned in the table above, in 2023, most tourists visiting Nepal were Indian tourists. The following table presents the record of total Indians visiting Nepal as tourists from 2017 to 2023.

SN Year No. of Tourists Percentage
1 2017 160832 17.1
2 2018 194323 16.57
3 2019 254150 21.2
4 2020 40336 17.5
5 2021 64672 42.83
6 2022 209334 34.05
7 2023 319936 31.92


In the same way, the third highest number of tourists visiting Nepal in 2023 were Chinese tourists. The following table presents the record of total Chinese visiting Nepal as tourists from 2017 to 2023.

SN Year No. of Tourists Percentage
1 2017 104664 11.1
2 2018 153633 13.1
3 2019 169543 14.2
4 2020 19257 8.4
5 2021 6198 4.1
6 2022 9599 1.56
7 2023 60878 6.00

Foreign Tourists Visiting Nepal

In 2023, the most number of foreign tourists visiting Nepal apart from China and India were from the USA, the UK and Australia. However, we need to keep this in mind that this number of tourists changes every year. For example, in 2022, the number of tourists visiting Nepal from Bangladesh surpassed that of China by 3 folds. Many tourists from other countries like Thailand and South Korea also prefer Nepal as a viable tourist destination.

Challenges and Opportunities in Nepal’s Tourism Sector

Nepal’s Tourism sector is filled with both challenges and opportunities. Highlighting the opportunities first, Nepal is a raw country when it comes to natural beauty. Many places in Nepal that are gifted with natural beauty like the Kanchenjunga region, Mugu Region, Upper Mustang region, and so on are still not considered as mainstream destinations for tourists. So, there are a lot of places for international tourists to explore here that haven’t been explored properly.

This same feature is also a challenge because the government as well as the Nepal Tourism Board haven’t been able to develop necessary infrastructure in these regions, and promote them as sought after tourist destinations in the country. As a result, most tourists only land up visiting and staying limited to a few popular tourist destinations like Kathmandu, Pokhara, the Everest Region, and so on.

Is Nepal Safe for Tourists?

If you’re wondering, is Nepal safe for tourists! Well, the answer is quite straightforward. The crime rate against tourists in Nepal is quite low. However, a tourist might experience a low level crime like pickpocketing on the streets if they are not careful. Often service providers and merchants try to charge high fees for their products and services to the tourists. By being aware, the tourists can avoid such scams.

Nepalese people are friendly and helpful in general. They gladly offer assistance to the foreigners if they realize that the visitors are in some sort of dismay. For justice, the tourists could also contact the Tourist Police, which is a unit of Nepal Police dedicated to catering the needs of visitors.

Future Outlook for Nepal’s Tourism

Considering the Nepal Tourism Statistics, the future of tourism in Nepal looks quite promising. Routine of Nepal Banda recently posted that more than 1.1 million tourists visited Nepal in the fiscal year 2023 to 2024, which is one of the all time highest. Promotional campaigns are launched not just by the Government of Nepal and Nepal Tourism Board, but also by the private companies and individuals active in the tourism sector.

A good example of that is a series of business promotion programs organized in Seoul and Gwangju of South Korea in June 2024. An active role was played by Korea Tours and Trekking Operators’ Association of Nepal (KOTTAN) in the event. More than 100 Korean businesses and media attended the program, where they were given insights into the prospects of tourism in Nepal.

Nepal Tourism Board and Its Initiatives

Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) is an organization that works in the sector of tourism. The organization works with the ministry of government overlooking tourism and various private companies to promote tourism all over the world. One of its objectives is to establish Nepal as a popular tourist destination globally.

In the last three decades, the Government of Nepal, along with Nepal Tourism Board, and other stakeholders in the sectors have launched ‘Visit Nepal’ campaigns. These were launched in the years 1998, 2011 and 2020, with an objective to pull tourists from all over the world. While the former two campaigns were executed effectively, the last one had to be canceled. Visit Nepal 2020, also known as VNY 2020, was launched to attract between 1.5 million to 2 million but due to COVID-19, it had to be stopped.

Efforts to Boost Tourism Post-Pandemic

There have been quite a few efforts for boosting tourism Nepal post Covid-19 pandemic. In the month of July 2024, Nepal Tourism Board successfully organized the Nepal Tourism Promotion Program and Sales Mission in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The theme of the event was ‘Next Door Nepal: Your Ultimate Travel Destination’. In the program, Nepalese Hoteliers got to meet Bangladeshi Tour Operators. The objective of the event was to attract Bangladeshi tourists to Nepal. 

In June of 2024, Nepal Tourism Board organized this event called ‘Experience Nepal: Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss’ in Bangkok, in collaboration with Nepal Embassy in Thailand and various other businesses operating in Nepal’s tourism sector. The program was attended by 75 companies from Thailand and Nepal, and personalities like Mr. Vitidnan Rojanapanich, who was the first climber to summit Everest from Thailand. It was organized to attract Thai tourists to Nepal.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a few major concerns that the tourists visiting Nepal may have about the country before planning their trip here. Some of the popular concerns include how many tourists visit Nepal each year, main attractions in Nepal, safety in Nepal for tourists, and so on. This section provides answers to some of these questions.

How Many Tourists Visit Nepal Each Year?

There is no one answer to the question how many tourists visit Nepal each year, as the number varies every year. The highest number of tourists to visit Nepal in the last three decades is 1,197,191 which was in the year 2019. After Covid-19, the number went down to as low as 150,962 which was in the year 2021. The number went up in 2023 reaching 1,014,885.

What Are the Main Attractions in Nepal?

There are many attractions in Nepal if we consider both cultural and natural heritages. Some of the truly loved attractions in Nepal include the World Heritage sites like Pashupatinath Temple and Swayambhunath Temple. Many tourists also prefer trekking in regions like Sagarmatha National Park and Annapurna Conservation Area. These are also some of the main attractions in Nepal.

How Safe Is Nepal for Tourists?

Nepal is one of the safest countries for tourists in the world. The people in Nepal are really friendly and are quite considerate towards safety in Nepal for tourists. The rate of crime committed against tourists is very low. A special unit of Nepal Police, called Tourist Police, helps tourists here.

What Is the Best Time to Visit Nepal?

The best time to visit Nepal is generally the months of October and November. It is also two of the busiest months for tourism in Nepal. Many tourists also visit Nepal during the months of April and May. However, this time of the year is less busy than the previous months.


When you consider the Nepal Tourism statistics of the last decade, which include the data concerning how many tourists visit Nepal each year before and after the pandemic, there is only one conclusion that you could get to. That conclusion is that Nepal is an excellent destination for tourists. Whether these tourists are from neighboring countries like Nepal and China or from other parts of Asia, America, or Europe! The number of tourists visiting Nepal is on a significant rise. Everything—from natural beauty to adventure activities and friendly people—has a role to play in it. 

The tourists are important for Nepal not just because they lay a hand in reinforcing Nepal’s economy, but also, they are catalysts of cultural exchange, which is beneficial for both the visitors and the hosts. Provided that the government, the Nepal Tourism Board, and the private sector do their best work when it comes to promoting Nepal as an ideal tourist destination, the country will be visited by a number of tourists that is even beyond its capacity to serve.