Pokhara, blessed with captivating natural charm, stands as Nepal’s second-largest city in the country. Positioned at an elevation of 827 meters above sea level, it offers stunning views of the nearby mountain ranges. With the majestic peaks of the Annapurna Mountain Range, there are places to visit in Pokhara, which is a popular starting point for trekking routes.

A trip to Nepal would be incomplete without exploring the mesmerizing Pokhara Valley. Situated approximately 200 kilometers west of Kathmandu, Pokhara is easily accessible by both road and air. Travelers can start on a scenic journey by road. Traversing the winding Prithvi Highway that passes through picturesque landscapes and beautiful villages. The road journey typically takes around 6 to 7 hours, offering travelers glimpses of Nepal’s rural life and stunning countryside.

For those seeking a quicker mode of transportation, domestic flights are available from Kathmandu to Pokhara. The flight, which lasts around 25 minutes, treats passengers to aerial views of the Himalayan range. What are the must-visit attractions in Pokhara?

What is Pokhara famous for?

Pokhara, located in the beautiful foothills of the Himalayas, is famous for its stunning natural beauty and variety of activities. Surrounded by iconic Annapurna and Machhapuchhre, Pokhara provides an ideal destination for trekkers, mountaineers, and nature lovers alike. The city’s peaceful lakes, particularly Phewa Lake, mirror the grand mountains, creating picturesque views that capture visitors’ attention. Boating on Phewa Lake, with the mountains reflected in its calm waters, is a quintessential Pokhara experience.

Additionally, Pokhara is well-known for its exciting activities, such as paragliding. Other activities include zip-lining, and white-water rafting, attracting adventure enthusiasts from around the world. Furthermore, Pokhara acts as a gateway to some of Nepal’s most famous trekking trails, including the Annapurna Circuit and Annapurna Base Camp. Its unique combination of natural beauty, adventure, and cultural diversity makes Pokhara a must-visit destination.

phewa tal pokhara

Here are the list of top places to visit in Pokhara

Phewa Lake

Phewa Lake is a peaceful, fresh lake surrounded by green hills and mountains. Its quiet waters reflect the beautiful scenery, making it one of the best places to visit in Pokhara for anyone to enjoy. This lovely spot lets you take a break from busy life and appreciate nature.

One of the best things to do at Phewa Lake is boating. You can rent a rowboat or a paddleboat and gently float on the calm waters. It’s a simple but delightful activity that allows you to connect with nature and forget about the stresses. If you’re feeling more adventurous, there are also options for kayaking and paddleboarding. These activities let you explore the lake at your own pace, feeling the cool breeze and admiring the majestic mountains.

Whether you’re looking for a peaceful retreat or an exciting adventure, Phewa Lake has something for everyone. It’s a place where people of all ages can come together to appreciate the beauty of nature and create lasting memories. So next time you’re on the Pokhara tour, don’t forget to visit Phewa Lake for a truly unforgettable experience.


Sarangkot, a famous viewpoint close to Pokhara, Nepal, attracts travelers with its breathtaking panoramic views of the majestic Himalayas, including well-known peaks such as Annapurna and Machhapuchhre.

The beauty of Sarangkot is particularly seen during sunrise and sunset when the sky transforms into a bright bundle of colors, painting the nearby mountains with a golden shade. Whether you decide to start on a leisurely walk or choose a scenic drive to reach this high spot, every part of the journey rewards you with stunning views that leave a lasting impression.

Sarangkot lets you see nature’s beauty, from the snowy mountaintops to the green valleys below. It’s a reminder of how amazing nature is and how it surrounds us. It’s a place where time feels slow, where worries disappear, and where you can feel peaceful among the mountains. So, whether you want an adventure, some peace, or just to see the stunning Himalayas, Sarangkot is one of the top places to visit in Pokhara that is waiting to amaze and inspire everyone who visits.

World Peace Pagoda

The World Peace Pagoda sits proudly on a hill, overlooking Phewa Lake and Pokhara city. It’s a symbol of peace, inviting people from all backgrounds to come together. The pagoda gives off a calm feeling, providing a peaceful space for meditation, thinking, and enjoying the scenery.

From the pagoda, you can see stunning views of Phewa Lake below and Pokhara city in the distance. The quiet atmosphere and beautiful sights make it a popular spot for relaxation and photography.

Many people visit the World Peace Pagoda not just to enjoy the views, but also to find peace and calm within themselves. Whether they’re quietly thinking, meditating, or just taking a moment to breathe, the pagoda offers a space for spiritual refreshment.

world peace pagoda pokhara

Whether you want to relax, take photos, or simply enjoy the scenery, the World Peace Pagoda is a peaceful place where you can feel connected to yourself and the world around you. It’s a reminder of the importance of peace and togetherness in our world.

Davis Falls

Situated just 2 km away from the airport, this breathtaking waterfall stands out as a must-see attraction in Pokhara. Locally known as ‘Patale Chango’, which translates to ‘underground waterfall’ in Nepalese, it holds a unique charm.

What sets it apart is its formation of a 500-foot-long underground tunnel at its base. Unlike typical waterfalls, instead of flowing into a river, the water from this waterfall vanishes into a mysterious dark hole within the caves, adding to its mysterious charm.

At Davis Falls, visitors can admire the captivating sight of the flowing waterfall as it drops into a deep gorge. Additionally, visitors can explore the nearby area and appreciate the natural beauty of the surroundings. There are chances for photography enthusiasts to capture beautiful images of the waterfall and its surroundings.

Moreover, visitors can also explore the nearby Gupteshwor Mahadev Cave, which adds an extra element of adventure and discovery to the visit. Inside the cave, visitors can find its interesting characteristics and experience its mysterious atmosphere. Whether it’s appreciating the waterfall’s beauty, exploring the cave, or simply enjoying the peacefulness of the surroundings, Davis Falls offers a memorable experience for visitors of all ages.

Bindhyabasini Temple

Bindhyabasini Temple in Pokhara, Nepal, holds importance from both a tourist and religious perspective. From a tourist point of view, the temple’s location on a hill offers visitors beautiful panoramic views of Pokhara and its scenic surroundings.

Tourists are attracted to the temple not only for its religious importance but also for the chance to experience the calm and peace of its hill setting. Many visitors hike up to the temple, enjoying the scenic beauty along the way and savoring the feeling of achievement upon reaching the top.

From a religious viewpoint, Bindhyabasini Temple is highly respected as a sacred location dedicated to the Hindu goddess Bindhyabasini. Followers gather at the temple to pray and ask for blessings from the goddess, believed to be a strong force capable of granting wishes and safeguarding her followers from harm. The temple is deeply cherished by Hindus, who view it as a place of comfort and divine help.

Overall, Bindhyabasini Temple is not only a popular tourist attraction in Pokhara but also a deeply respected religious site that draws pilgrims and worshippers from far and wide. Its twofold significance from both touristic and religious viewpoints underscores its importance as a cultural and spiritual landmark in Nepal.

Tal-Barahi Temple

Tal Barahi Temple is a beautiful Hindu temple in Phewa Lake, which sits in the beautiful Pokhara Valley in Nepal. This temple is dedicated to Goddess Barahi, who is a form of the Hindu goddess Durga. One special thing about this temple is where it’s situated, it’s surrounded by the calm lake waters and green hills, making it very peaceful. To get there, you just hop on a short boat ride across the lake, which adds to the fun.

Another highlight is the temple itself, with its beautiful wood carvings and colorful paintings depicting Hindu gods, providing a cultural experience for all who visit. Additionally, the temple offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and lake, making it a popular spot for photography and sightseeing. For domestic tourists, the temple holds religious significance, providing a place for worship and thinking about their faith. Meanwhile, international tourists are attracted to the temple for its unique architecture and the chance to experience Nepalese culture up close.

Overall, Tal Barahi Temple offers something for everyone, whether it’s peace, connection with one’s beliefs, or exploring culture, making it a must-visit destination in Pokhara.

tal baharai pokhara
tal baharai pokhara

Begnas Lake

Begnas Lake, located in the pretty Pokhara Valley of Nepal, is a captivating spot that attracts people from both near and far. Located away among the rolling hills and lush greenery, this calm lake offers a peaceful break from the busy city life. Travelers can easily get to Begnas Lake by driving from Pokhara, enjoying the lovely views along the way. It’s also reachable by public transportation, so it’s convenient for all kinds of travelers.

One big highlight of Begnas Lake is its natural beauty, with clear waters reflecting the nearby mountains and forests, making it a sight to behold. Boating is a popular thing to do here, letting visitors explore the calm waters and take in the stunning views. Plus, there are opportunities for hiking and nature walks nearby, with trails leading to scenic spots and hidden waterfalls.

For domestic tourists, Begnas Lake is a peaceful place to relax, have picnics by the water, or do some traditional fishing. The lake also has cultural significance, with nearby villages showcasing the rich heritage and way of life of the local communities.
International visitors are attracted to Begnas Lake for its untouched environment and the chance to experience Nepal’s natural beauty. The quiet surroundings offer the perfect setting for relaxing and getting away from the noise of city life. Plus, there are chances for eco-tourism and observing wildlife, with lots of bird species and aquatic life in and around the lake.
All in all, Begnas Lake is a great mix of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and outdoor fun, making it a must-visit spot for travelers exploring the Pokhara region. Whether you’re looking for adventure or just a peaceful time in nature, Begnas Lake has something special to offer.

International Mountain Museum

The International Mountain Museum is an interesting place in Pokhara that attracts both local and international tourists. One of its main attractions is its collection of exhibits showing the history, culture, and wildlife of the world’s mountain regions. Visitors can learn about famous mountain climbers, explore copies of mountain habitats, and find out about the difficulties and successes of climbing some of the world’s tallest peaks. The museum’s interactive displays and videos make learning enjoyable for visitors of all ages.

People from Nepal like visiting the International Mountain Museum because it celebrates Nepal’s rich history of mountain climbing and honors the courage of its Sherpa guides and climbers. Many Nepali visitors feel proud of their country’s contributions to mountain climbing and outdoor adventures.

International tourists, on the other hand, are interested in the museum’s worldwide view of mountain culture and exploration. They enjoy learning about the tallest mountains in the world and the various communities that live in these uncovered areas. The museum’s amazing location near the Himalayas adds to its attraction, letting visitors experience the breathtaking beauty of these majestic mountains up close.

In general, the International Mountain Museum has something for everyone. Whether it’s learning about Nepal’s mountain climbing history, understanding global mountain cultures, or just admiring the beauty of the world’s tallest peaks. It’s a must-see spot for anyone who loves adventure, exploration, and nature.

Shree Gaden Dhargay Ling Monastery

The Shree Gaden Dhargay Ling Monastery is a significant attraction in Nepal, bringing in visitors from both inside the country and from around the world. One of the main things people come for is the monastery’s beautiful architecture, with colorful paintings and fancy designs that show off the rich cultural heritage of Tibetan Buddhism. The monastery also gives people a chance to meditate and think about spiritual stuff, giving them a peaceful break from their busy lives.

People from nearby areas like visiting the Shree Gaden Dhargay Ling Monastery because it’s important for their religion and culture. Lots of Nepali visitors come to the monastery to show respect, say prayers, and ask for blessings from the monks who live there. The monastery’s calm atmosphere and pretty surroundings make it a popular spot for spiritual getaways and religious events.

On the other hand, foreigners are interested in the monastery’s cool architecture and the chance to learn about Tibetan Buddhist culture and traditions. They enjoy walking around the different parts of the monastery, checking out the detailed artwork and religious stuff on display. Visitors from all over the world also like how friendly the monastery is and the chance to talk to the monks and nuns who live there.

In general, the Shree Gaden Dhargay Ling Monastery is a nearby places to visit in Pokhara. It has a mix of spiritual stuff, culture, and pretty nature, making it a place lots of tourists want to see. Whether you are looking for something deep or just want a quiet place to relax, the monastery has something for everyone.


In conclusion, Pokhara offers a wide range of attractions that suit every traveler’s interests. From the calm and peacefulness of Phewa Lake to the breathtaking views from Sarangkot, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Visitors can delve into the rich cultural heritage of the region at Bindhyabasini Temple. And also admire the natural wonders of Davis Falls and the surrounding caves.

Whether you’re looking for excitement, relaxation, or spiritual enrichment, the Pokhara tour has it all. With its scenic landscapes, lively culture, and friendly locals, it’s no surprise that Pokhara is one of Nepal’s premier destinations. So pack your bags, set off on a journey to this captivating city, and create memories that last forever.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

What are the must-visit attractions in Pokhara?

The must-visit attractions in Pokhara include Phewa Lake, Davis Falls, World Peace Pagoda, Sarangkot, Tal-Barahi, Begnas Lake, Shree Gaden Dhargay Ling Monastery and the International Mountain Museum.

What adventure activities can I enjoy in Pokhara?

You can enjoy a number of adventure activities such as paragliding, zip-lining, trekking to Annapurna Base Camp or Ghorepani Poon Hill, white-water rafting on the Seti River, and mountain biking around the city and nearby trails.

What is the best time to visit Pokhara?

The best time to visit Pokhara is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is mild, and the skies are clear.

How can I get around Pokhara?

Getting around Pokhara is easy. You can hire taxis, rent motorcycles or bicycles, or use local buses. Many attractions are within walking distance from the Lakeside area, which is the main tourist hub.

Are there any cultural experiences to explore in Pokhara?

Yes, Pokhara offers various cultural experiences such as visiting traditional Gurung and Magar villages, exploring local markets like the Bindhyabasini Temple Market, attending cultural shows, and participating in cooking classes to learn Nepali cuisine.