Bandipur is a charming town that offers stunning panoramic views of the Himalayas and the Marsyangdi Valley. The town’s narrow cobblestone streets feature traditional buildings, many of which have been converted into guesthouses, shops, and cafes. 

The Bandipur Bazaar is a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of larger cities. Attractions include the Bindebasini Temple and Thani Mai Temple, which offer religious practices and sunrise and sunset views. Nature lovers like you can enjoy hiking trails, bird watching, and adventure activities.

The community warmly welcomes visitors, making Bandipur a must-visit destination in Nepal. Tourists are drawn to Bandipur for its peaceful atmosphere and cultural richness. The town’s tranquil streets, lined with old-fashioned houses and temples, provide a glimpse into Nepal’s past. 

You can absorb yourself in local life, explore ancient temples like the Bindabasini and Khadga Devi temples, and enjoy the hospitality of its friendly inhabitants. Bandipur’s appeal lies in its blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and the opportunity to experience authentic Nepalese traditions in a serene setting.

History Of Bandipur

Bandipur is a hilltop town in Nepal. It has a rich history dating back to the 18th century when the Newar people established it. The town’s strategic location on an ancient trade route between India and Tibet has shaped its cultural landscape. 

Top 10 Must-Do Activities In Bandipur

In the 19th century, Bandipur became a prosperous trading center, attracting merchants from Tibet, India, and other parts of Nepal. However, the construction of the Prithvi Highway in the mid-20th century led to economic decline, causing many residents to migrate.

Despite this, Bandipur managed to preserve its architectural and cultural heritage, leading to the restoration of many historical buildings and temples. Today, Bandipur is a living museum of Newari culture, with its central square, Bandipur Bazaar, and landmarks like the Bindebasini Temple and Thani Mai Temple.

What To Do In Bandipur?

In Bandipur, you can engage in a variety of activities that highlight the town’s cultural, natural, and adventurous offerings. The following detailed activities provide a comprehensive experience of Bandipur:

Sample Traditional Newari Dishes

Start your adventure by tasting traditional Newari dishes, which are a highlight of Bandipur’s food scene. Try Yomari, a steamed dumpling filled with sweet molasses and sesame seeds, and samay baji, a festive platter that includes beaten rice, roasted meat, black soybeans, boiled eggs, and spicy pickles. These dishes are not only delicious but also carry cultural significance, often prepared during festivals and special occasions.

Participate in a Cooking Class

For those interested in a hands-on experience, joining a cooking class is a great way to learn about Nepalese cuisine. Local hosts guide you through the process of preparing traditional dishes, from selecting ingredients to mastering cooking techniques. This experience not only teaches you how to cook Nepalese food but also provides insights into the cultural importance of each dish.

Experience a Homestay

Experience a Homestay

Staying in a homestay offers a unique opportunity to enjoy home-cooked meals prepared by your hosts. This intimate setting allows you to experience the daily diet of a local family and try dishes that are not commonly found in restaurants. Your hosts might prepare dishes like gundruk (fermented leafy greens) and aloo tama (potato and bamboo shoot curry), giving you a taste of authentic home-style cooking.

Taste Local Snacks and Street Food

Bandipur’s streets are dotted with vendors selling a variety of local snacks and street food. Try sel roti, a traditional rice doughnut, or enjoy a plate of chatamari, often referred to as Nepali pizza. These snacks are perfect for a quick bite and offer a glimpse into the everyday food culture of Bandipur.

Enjoy Meals with a View

Many restaurants and cafes in Bandipur offer outdoor seating with stunning views of the Himalayas and the surrounding valley. Enjoying a meal with such a backdrop enhances the dining experience, making it memorable and picturesque.

How To Reach Bandipur From Kathmandu/Pokhara?

Reaching Bandipur from Kathmandu or Pokhara is a straightforward journey, and there are several options to choose from depending on your preference for comfort, time, and budget.

From Kathmandu To Bandipur

By Bus

To reach Bandipur, you can take a tourist bus from Kathmandu to Dumre, which takes 6-7 hours. Comfortable buses depart from Kathmandu’s Tourist Bus Park. Local buses, budget-friendly but less comfortable, depart from the New Bus Park. From Dumre, you can take a local jeep or bus to Bandipur, which takes 30-45 minutes. Jeeps are available for hire on-site.

By Private Vehicle

Renting a private vehicle or hiring a taxi from Kathmandu to Bandipur offers the most convenience and comfort. The drive takes about 5-6 hours, depending on traffic and road conditions. You can travel at your own pace, stop for breaks, and enjoy the scenic route through the hilly terrain.

From Pokhara To Bandipur

By Bus

Tourist buses from Pokhara to Dumre take 4-5 hours and offer amenities. Local buses depart from Pokhara Bus Station and take 5-6 hours. From Dumre to Bandipur, a 30-45 minute ride is available, similar to the route from Kathmandu. Both options offer flexibility in travel plans.

By Private Vehicle

Hiring a private car or taxi from Pokhara to Bandipur offers a convenient and comfortable travel option. The drive takes approximately 3-4 hours, providing flexibility in departure time and the ability to enjoy the scenic views along the way.

Additional Tips
  • Road Conditions: The roads from both Kathmandu and Pokhara to Dumre are part of the Prithvi Highway, which is generally in good condition but can be affected by weather, especially during the monsoon season.
  • Booking: It is advisable to book tourist bus tickets in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to ensure availability.
  • Travel Light: Given the final leg of the journey from Dumre to Bandipur involves a short but winding uphill drive, it is recommended to travel light or with easily manageable luggage.

Reaching Bandipur from either Kathmandu or Pokhara is a scenic and enjoyable journey, providing a glimpse of Nepal’s beautiful countryside before arriving in the charming hilltop town.

Top 10 Activities To Enjoy In Bandipur

Here are the top 10 must-do activities in Bandipur.

Hike to Tundikhel

You can enjoy the hike to Tundikhel, a popular spot for explorers offering stunning views of Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchhre, and Langtang Lirung. Historically used by traders to bargain over goods, it now offers a popular picnic spot during weekends from October to November.

The hike to Tundikhel offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes, making it a highlight for visitors to Bandipur. Several hiking trails lead to Tundikhel, each varying in difficulty to accommodate different levels of hikers. The trails wind through lush greenery and occasional glimpses of local wildlife, adding to the adventure. 


For the best experience, hikers often choose to embark on this trek during sunrise or sunset. These times of the day provide unparalleled views, with the rising or setting sun casting a warm glow over the Himalayan peaks and the Marsyangdi Valley below. It’s a serene and picturesque setting, perfect for capturing memorable moments or simply soaking in the natural beauty of Bandipur.

Visit Siddha Cave

Sidda Guffa, Nepal’s largest cave, is a popular destination in Bandipur, home to hundreds of bats. Trekking takes 1.5 hours, with some slippery parts. A guide is required, and tourist offices recommend hiring one.

Siddha Cave in Bardiya, Nepal, is a natural wonder with stunning limestone formations. You can explore the cave’s intricate stalactites and stalagmites, illuminated by natural and artificial light. Guided tours offer insights into the cave’s formation, ecological importance, and cultural significance. Access is safe and accessible, and the serene ambiance makes it a must-visit destination for travelers exploring Bardiya’s natural wonders.

Trekking In Bandipur

Trekking in Bandipur offers adventurers like you a blend of scenic beauty and cultural exploration. The trails wind through lush forests, terraced fields, and traditional villages, providing stunning views of the Himalayan mountains and the Marsyangdi Valley below.

Various trekking routes cater to different skill levels, from leisurely walks suitable for beginners to challenging hikes for experienced trekkers. Popular routes include hikes to Tundikhel, offering panoramic vistas, and trails leading to nearby villages like Ramkot and Dumre, where trekkers can interact with locals and experience rural life.

Trekking in Bandipur is best during the spring and autumn seasons, with mild weather, clear skies, and vibrant landscapes. Seasons coincide with local festivals and cultural events, offering warm Nepalese hospitality and traditional meals. Explore Bandipur on foot for natural beauty, cultural heritage, and welcoming people. Trek Me Nepal is the best trekking company in Nepal and offers excellent guides and services for these treks.

Visit Bindebasini Temple

Visiting Bindebasini Temple in Bandipur offers a glimpse into Nepal’s rich religious and cultural heritage. Located centrally within the town, the temple is easily accessible and holds significant spiritual importance for locals and pilgrims alike.


The Bindebasini Temple in Bandipur is a traditional Newari-style structure with intricate wood carvings and religious motifs. It worships Goddess Bindebasini for her protective powers and blessings. The temple’s serene atmosphere makes it a tranquil retreat from the city. You are encouraged to respect local customs and traditions for a culturally enriching experience.

Visiting Kadga Devi Temple

Visiting Kadga Devi Temple in Bandipur offers a profound cultural and spiritual experience. The temple is situated atop a hill, providing scenic views of the town and the Himalayan ranges in the distance.

To reach the temple, you climb a series of stone steps that wind through lush greenery and traditional architecture, enhancing the journey with glimpses of local life and picturesque surroundings.

The Kadga Devi Temple is a small shrine dedicated to Goddess Kadga Devi, known for her protective powers. Its architecture reflects the traditional Newari style, with intricately carved wooden windows and doors. 

The serene atmosphere is complemented by prayer bells and incense fragrances. The temple’s spacious courtyard hosts festivals and religious ceremonies, offering panoramic views of Bandipur and surrounding landscapes.

Paragliding In Bandipur

Paragliding in Bandipur offers an exhilarating aerial perspective of Nepal’s picturesque landscapes. Participants launch from a scenic vantage point, typically a hilltop, which provides panoramic views of the Himalayas and the lush valleys below.

Paragliding In Bandipur

Before takeoff, trained pilots brief participants on safety procedures and the basics of paragliding. Once in the air, you will experience a sense of freedom as you soar like a bird amidst clear skies and gentle winds. The flight path often includes views of Bandipur’s charming villages, terraced fields, and forests, offering a unique perspective on the region’s natural beauty.

Paragliding in Bandipur offers a thrilling yet safe experience, with pilots performing gentle maneuvers. The flight duration varies, lasting 20-30 minutes. Upon landing, you can reflect on the breathtaking scenery and adrenaline rush.

Sunrise/Sunset View From Thani Mai

Experiencing the sunrise or sunset from Thani Mai Temple in Bandipur is a magical and serene activity. Located on a hilltop, the temple provides an unobstructed view of the horizon, making it an ideal spot to witness the beauty of the day’s beginning or end.

Visitors to Thani Mai Temple can enjoy stunning sunrise and sunset views of the Himalayas. The steep trail takes 30-45 minutes to reach the top, offering a peaceful ambiance with bird chirping. The temple also offers a spiritual touch with prayers and meditation opportunities. The serene environment provides a perfect setting for unwinding and reflecting on the day. The breathtaking views leave a lasting impression on visitors.

Bird Watching In Bandipur

Bird watching in Bandipur is a delightful activity for nature lovers and ornithologists alike. The region’s diverse habitats, ranging from lush forests to open fields, attract a wide variety of bird species.

Bird Watching In Bandipur

Bird watchers in Bandipur enjoy observing the region’s diverse birdlife, including the Himalayan Monal, Steppe Eagle, and Indian Roller. Popular spots include Tundikhel and Siddha Cave Trail. Local guides accompany visitors, enhancing the experience. 

Bird watching is best during early morning and late afternoon when birds are most active. This peaceful pursuit connects you with nature and appreciates the serene beauty of Bandipur’s landscapes, creating lasting memories for those who participate.

Mountain Biking Adventure

Mountain biking in Bandipur offers an exhilarating adventure for outdoor enthusiasts. The region’s varied terrain, with its mix of rugged trails, rolling hills, and scenic pathways, provides an ideal setting for both novice and experienced bikers.

Mountain biking in Bandipur offers a challenging and rewarding experience, with popular routes including the Ramkot village trail. The trails are well-marked and offer stunning views of the Himalayas and Marsyangdi Valley. The adventure leaves bikers with a sense of accomplishment and appreciation for the region’s natural beauty.

The best time for biking is during spring and autumn, with early morning rides being particularly enjoyable. Local guides provide insights into the region’s history, culture, and natural features, ensuring bikers stay on track and appreciate the region’s unique landscapes.

Shopping In Bandipur Bazaar

Shopping in Bandipur Bazaar is a delightful experience that immerses you in the local culture and craftsmanship. The bazaar, located in the heart of Bandipur, is a bustling hub of activity where locals and tourists alike gather to explore a variety of goods.

Shopping in Bandipur Bazaar

Bandipur Bazaar is a bustling market in Nepal, offering a diverse range of products from traditional Newari handicrafts to local foods and spices. You can witness local artisans creating intricate designs and savoring traditional Nepalese snacks like momos and sel roti.

The market also features jewelry, clothing, and everyday items from the local community. Bargaining is common, adding to the lively atmosphere. The best time to visit is in the morning or late afternoon, as the warm and welcoming vendors enhance the shopping experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is special about Bandipur’s cultural heritage?

Bandipur’s cultural heritage is marked by its well-preserved Newari architecture, historical temples, and ancient shrines. The town’s history as a trading center is reflected in its traditional buildings and vibrant local culture.

2. How difficult is the hike to Tundikhel, and when is the best time to go?

The hike to Tundikhel is moderately difficult, taking about 30-45 minutes. The best times to hike are during sunrise or sunset, offering stunning views of the Himalayas and the valley below.

3. What local dishes should I try in Bandipur?

You should try traditional Newari cuisine, including dishes like yomari (sweet dumplings), samay baji (a festive platter), and chhoila (spicy grilled meat). Local eateries and homestays often serve these authentic meals.

4. What is the homestay experience like in Bandipur?

The homestay experience in Bandipur allows you to stay with local families, offering a glimpse into their daily lives and traditions. You’ll enjoy home-cooked meals, participate in cultural activities, and experience Nepalese hospitality firsthand.

5. What types of birds can I see while bird watching in Bandipur?

Bird watching in Bandipur reveals species such as the Himalayan Monal, Steppe Eagle, and Indian Roller. Early mornings and late afternoons are ideal times to observe these birds in their natural habitat.