In Shivapuri Nagarjun Public Park, there are lots of paths you can hike on. One of the most famous is called the Jamacho Gumba Hike. It is situated at a height of 2150m above sea level. This gumba is a sacred site in Nepal’s Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, honored for its supernatural importance. There is a monastery which is rich in Tibetan Buddhist customs. 

The journey to the religious community isn’t simply an actual trip but a significant journey offering searchers a potential chance to rise above commonplace life and interface with the divine. It is a sanctuary for biodiversity, exhibiting the different widely varied flora and fauna of the Himalayan lower regions.

Jamacho Gumba is a hallowed safe-haven where deep and normal universes join, welcoming pilgrims and adventurers to set out on an excursion of self-disclosure and fellowship with the heavenly.

Hike to Jamacho Gumba

Jamacho Danda Climb is an ideal day hiking route in Kathmandu. Only a couple of moments drive from Kathmandu and the tourist center Thamel. People need to walk for only 4 to 5 hours inside the Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park. 

Walking through the dense forest to reach the beautiful Jamacho Hill, people can enjoy a brief look at the Buddhist Shrine, Mountain and environmental factors is a lifetime experience.

How To Get To The Top Of Jamacho Hill?

To begin your climb to Jamacho Gumba, you need to take a bus to Machhapokhari or Balaju Baies Dhara. From that point again take a bus to Fulbari Gate, yet no transport goes that way routinely. So it is smarter to walk for around 20 to 25 minutes. 

On the off chance that you have your confidential vehicle, take a drive to Fulbari Entryway and park close by. Sadly, there is no parking spot at the entryway region. So if it’s not too much trouble,you can find a parking spot close by before leaving on your journey to Jamacho Gumba.

Fulbari Gate is the spot from where Jamacho Gumba Hike begins. At Fulbari Gate purchase a ticket to Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park then, start your hike to Jamacho Hill Top. 

Before you enter the public park, a Military official will check your sack since there are sure things that are not permitted to take with you while climbing. From that point, you need to follow the signs of Jamacho Gumba and steps inside the jungle that will at last take you to the final destination.

Hiking Route Of Jamacho Gumba Hike

The hiking route of Jamacho Gumba Hike relies upon where you stay. If you are in Thamel take the way to Balaju, Machhapokhari and a way to Kakani to arrive at Fulbari Gate. From Fulbari Gate we need to climb up to Jamacho Danda (Hill). Along the route, there is another military check present where you want to show your license or entry ticket which you purchased in Phulbari Gate.

Hike to Jamacho Gumba


The hiking course is very much marked and simple to follow. Simply follow the one path which goes up and follow the indications of Jamacho Gumba. To end this hike you can take the same way down or combine this climb with other climbing courses like Shivapuri Peak Hike and Chandragiri Hill Hike. For that, you better have a group and experienced explorers. Since it will require a very lengthy time and days too.

What Should You Bring During This Jamacho Gumba Hiking?

This hike remains on top of the slope and courses from inside the jungle. So, the significant thing to carry with you is sufficient drinking water. Some pack lunch (Highly suggested) the matter in fact that there is no spot to purchase and eat any food. A few dry fruits, treats and energy bars (chocolates) are the most ideal decision. 

Furthermore, if conceivable, a few natural products like apples, pomegranates, and so on. On the off chance that you are traveling solo bring a little Swiss knife which is exceptionally valuable. Clothing relies upon which season you are doing Jamacho Gumba Day Hike. However remember to bring anti bugs on the off chance that you are going there throughout the late spring season. 

Since there are such countless parasites that will come all over the place. Another medication you can take is salt to keep away from leeches. The  first aid  kit is generally helpful to take with you. Walking inside the jungle and small climbing trails of Kathmandu Valley is now and again extreme. You might fall, twist your lower leg, bank some place and get wounded.

When To Do The Jamacho Gumba Hike?

Jamacho Gumba Hike is an entire season hike. In any case, the Spring, Autumn and Winter are the best chances to do this Hike. Since, during these seasons the perspectives on views of the surroundings and snow capped are spectacular, especially during spring and autumn.

Hike to Jamacho Gumba

The Winter season is likewise really great for doing Jamacho Hill Hike, once in a while there may be snow too. Yet, it is without a doubt colder than the other two seasons. I don’t suggest doing the Jamacho Hike throughout the mid year season on the grounds that around then downpour and parasites will make your hike unpleasant.

The Starting Point Of The Jamacho Gumba Hike Trail

The Jamacho Gumba climb starts in Kathmandu in the midst of the Himalayan lower regions. The journey starts at the beginning stage where climbers get ready for the rising towards the holy religious monastery. They are advised by experienced guides on the course guaranteeing safety measures. 

The path then enters the Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park, where they are welcomed by rich woods and flowing streams. The path twists through thick backwoods with different greenery, offering amazing perspectives on mountains and valleys. As they rise, they consider the excellence and grandness of their excursion, uneasy to uncover the secrets and wonders past the trail origin.

The Jamacho Gumba Hike Experience

The Jamacho Gumba hike offers a quiet and peaceful experience as hikers rise through the rich woods covering. The path is loaded up with a collection of sounds including birds, bugs and little creatures. Hikers can find fortunes, like wildflowers and little streams and experience natural life like squirrels and flying predators. 

The path additionally offers amazing all encompassing vistas of far off mountain pinnacles and valleys motivating stunningness and marvel at the glory of the Himalayan scene. Rising through nature’s excellence isn’t simply an actual excursion, yet a profound odyssey that stirs the faculties and supports the spirit, motivating a feeling of worship and marvel that waits long after the excursion is finished.

How Challenging Is The Jamacho Gumba Hike?

The Jamacho Gumba climb is a difficult experience with stunning perspectives and a deep association with nature. Factors adding to its difficulty incorporate landscape, distance, rise gain, weather patterns, trail conditions and individual fitness. 

The climb’s landscape differs from gently slanting ways to soak slants requiring cautious balance and equilibrium. The distance can change contingent upon the course taken, however young birds or those not used to long journeys might think that it is really difficult. 

The climb’s huge height gain can test perseverance and stamina. Atmospheric conditions like downpour, wind and snow can extremely affect the climb’s trouble. The path’s condition can likewise differ for certain segments being very much kept up with and others being rough, sloppy or congested. In this way, surveying one’s capacities and wellness level prior to leaving on the climb is pivotal.

Encountering Cultural Treasures Of Jamacho Gumba Hike

The Jamacho Gumba climb is a novel experience that takes travelers to the Himalayan lower regions and into Nepal’s rich social legacy. The climb incorporates the visit to the Jamacho Gumba, an old safe-haven for Tibetan Buddhism. The gumba highlights lavish engineering and complex strict fine art, displaying Nepal’s rich social embroidery. 


Guests can observe the safeguarded profound practices and customs of the Gumba including reciting prayers and performing ceremonies. The Gumba likewise houses famous images and strict fine art, like cut sculptures of Buddhas and bodhisattvas, thangka canvases and pleading God banners. 

Additionally, this hike gives an opportunity to social trade with nearby occupants and priests, who might welcome hikers to take part in contemplation meetings or formal ceremonies. The climb supports reflection and enthusiasm for the getting through tradition of Nepal’s supernatural practices.

What’s The Essence Of The Jamacho Gumba Climb?

The Jamacho Gumba climb is a journey of individual accomplishment and discovery, as explorers rise to the peak. The path challenges actual strength and mental determination, pushing hikers to stretch past their boundaries. 

Conquering hindrances on the way like rough territory and tight pathways provides climbers with a newly discovered feeling of strength and assurance. The peak offers amazing all encompassing perspectives on the Kathmandu Valley motivating amazement and miracle.

As hikers stand on the highest point, they feel a significant pride and achievement. The excursion to this hallowed peak offers comfort in the serenity of the mountains permitting hikers to reflect their excursion and convey the examples learned with them as they slip.

Finding Peace At Jamacho Gumba

At the highest point of Jamacho Gumba, hikers are encircled naturally by the Himalayan scene, permitting them to stop and interface with their deepest insights. The quiet air urges them to reflect on their life’s process, acquiring clarity and viewpoint. 

They additionally look for importance and reason considering the idea of presence and the quest for joy and satisfaction. The magnificence of nature helps them to remember the interconnectedness of every single living being and the all inclusive soul that joins all of us. 


As they dig further into their appearance, they discover a lasting sense of reconciliation and restoration, letting go of stresses and fears to welcome the current second. At long last, they offer thanks for the magnificence of the normal world. The friendship of individual travelers and the chance to set out on an extraordinary excursion of self-disclosure.


In conclusion, The Jamacho Gumba hike  is a spirit mixing venture through the Himalayan lower regions, encompassing normal excellence, social legacy and deep insight. As explorers climb the slopes, they experience difficulties that test their solidarity and assurance, yet each step offers snapshots of amazement and miracle. The excursion likewise offers bits of knowledge into Nepal’s deep legacy with the old monastery and Tibetan Buddhist lessons. 

At the highest point, climbers track down comfort and restoration, confronting life’s most profound inquiries and embracing appreciation for gifts. The climb is an extraordinary excursion of self-disclosure, cultivation and association with the heavenly, leaving a reestablished feeling of direction and appreciation for the world.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the Jamacho Gumba Hike?

The Jamacho Gumba Hike is a popular trekking route located near Kathmandu, Nepal. It leads adventurers through the Shivapuri Nagarjun National Park to the sacred Jamacho Monastery, also known as the Monkey Temple.

2. How long does the Jamacho Gumba Hike take?

The duration of the hike can vary depending on factors such as the starting point and the pace of the hikers. On average, the round-trip hike typically takes around 4 to 6 hours to complete.

3. What is the difficulty level of the Jamacho Gumba Hike?

The hike is considered moderate in difficulty. While the terrain can be challenging at times with steep inclines and uneven paths, it is suitable for adventurers of all skill levels with a reasonable level of fitness.

4. When is the best time to do the Jamacho Gumba Hike?

The best time to start on the Jamacho Gumba Hike is during the dry seasons of spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). During these times, the weather is typically clear and pleasant offering optimal conditions for trekking and enjoying the surrounding scenery.

5. What should I bring on the Jamacho Gumba Hike?

It is advisable to bring essentials such as sturdy hiking boots, comfortable clothing suitable for outdoor activity, a hat and sunscreen for sun protection, plenty of water to stay hydrated, snacks or a packed lunch, a camera to capture the stunning views and a small backpack to carry belongings.